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Search results for query #отчёт

3 answer
23.09.2020, 11:12
Sales report (repeatedly)
Good afternoon! The question has been raised before: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/otchety-i-analitika/1359-otchet-po-prodazham/ but, unfortuna...
Creating your own report in Report Builder
Good afternoon. Need a report: 1. Select products one by one or the desired group. Select the source of the business process \ client. 2. Select a ...
9 replies
21.09.2020, 13:32
Sales report
Good afternoon! We need a report in the context of goods of this type https://prnt.sc/ul16cy With the ability to filter the range of dates, categor...
2 answer
18.09.2020, 13:12
Evaluate the refinement of the filter in the report
Made a payment report https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/32/view/ https://prnt.sc/ujg2yv It is necessary to modify the filter by ...
2015630507 - Product sales report by category tree
In the report constructor block “Product sales report by category tree”, the filter by products has been improved. Previously, when selecting produ...
2015630537 - Improvement of the report “Number of clients by value of additional fields”
For the block of the report designer “Number of clients by the value of additional fields”, the list of contacts displayed in the current line is o...
In the Process statistics for a period report, you can calculate the Sum and Margin by processes only once
it turns out that only 1 time you can calculate the amount and margin for the selected processes. There is no such problem in the Status report, bu...
2015582490 - Displaying the article in the report "Change in the balance in warehouses"
For the report “Change in the balance in warehouses”, the column “article” has been added.
Improvement of report functionality
What are the inconveniences now 1- The report is all fused like a porridge of indicators on a white background, there is no way to make a division ...
2015325752 - Improvement of the P&L report on processes
For the P&L report by processes (report designer), the ability to select the stages of business processes, information from which will be shown...

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