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Search results for query #отчёт

Create a financial statement for a company
You need to create a report in the following format: The first table has the following columns: 1. Name of accounts in the system. 2. Balance at th...
11 replies
03.02.2021, 18:55
General question
Hello, please tell me how it happened that from the order https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/807615/edit/ one product was included...
How the Balance report works
Good afternoon. Tell me where the value comes from in the Balance report, for the fields: Debt to suppliers Buyer's advance Supplier prepayment
3 answer
25.01.2021, 12:01
Sales report (payment method)
Good afternoon. We have a sales report - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/report/sales/ But I would like to sort them by payment meth...
3 answer
23.01.2021, 16:03
Functionality of the report "Warehouse requirement"
Good afternoon Please tell me where you can get acquainted with the settings of the report "Warehouse requirement"?
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.01.2021, 14:06
How is cost calculated in the P&L report?
How the cost price https://prnt.sc/wnd4p6 is calculated in the report https://prnt.sc/wnd5c6
last year's report disappeared
Good afternoon! My report for last year has disappeared, how can I get it back?
4 answer
08.01.2021, 12:14
sales report
Hello, please tell me why I want to see sales on the channel https://bit.ly/3bl81fq, but the selection does not display the correct number of sales...
2 answer
29.12.2020, 16:57
report field
Hello, please tell me why the color field in the order is filled https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/807385/edit/ but the report d...
2 answer
Администратор проектов
18.12.2020, 09:40
Digit separators
My client has a global problem with reports and their further processing in Excel. He copies the numbers from our report, pastes it into Excel, and...

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