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Search results for query #horoshop

2 answer
17.06.2024, 14:41
Uploading and updating photos subject to conditions
Congratulations! Tell me if it is possible to update and upload photos specifically by brand or supplier? Because there is a bug not only with the ...
Orders from Khorozhop are not unloaded
Good day! The integration with Khorosop by order has stopped working. Although an hour ago, everything was ok https://kiyservice.1b.app/93341/ this...
3 answer
09.04.2024, 18:43
Export of goods does not work
Congratulations, I have connected the HOROSHOP integration. I configured it, but categories and products are not exported. The category was created...
1 answer
09.04.2024, 14:52
Improvement: Exporting users to Hoshotop
Guys, please calculate the revision according to Good. An action is needed to export contacts to Good. Here is the link to the manual https://horo...
15 replies
26.02.2024, 17:46
Khoroshop: please correct the parameters in the price levels "Export goods to Khoroshop"
Guys, please help. I can’t convey the price levels for good prices. The support team, after looking at the logs, said that we were passing the par...
0 replies
09.01.2024, 13:20
Question about the old modification: "Additional categories Good"
Previously, I ordered the modification “Rework on the Horoshop application (categories and filters)” before launching the site - https://1b.app/ru/...
1 answer
09.09.2023, 21:14
Orders from Khoroshop are not arriving
Everything worked fine, but orders stopped coming from good and there was an error in the application: https://prnt.sc/no1MvmF_H95j
2 answer
11.08.2023, 12:00
At what tariffs does integration with OneBox work well?
Good day. Whose website works for Horosop, please tell me at which tariffs Horosop works for integration with OneBox?
URGENTLY!!! Export of leftovers does not work on Horoshop
Good afternoon, since yesterday, leftovers have not been exported to good. Here is a screenshot https://prnt.sc/SzSGzykB-Egv
6 replies
07.08.2023, 20:08
A bug in the export of goods to Khorozhop
Nothing was changed, but suddenly the export of goods began to take place only starting with the product 1006775 and ending with the product 100903...

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