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Change in purchase price
Tell me please. I have a purchase price of $ for each product. But we buy some goods in hryvnias. I made a separate step in the "update purchase pr...
4 answer
30.08.2023, 13:39
The price, quantity and discount in the table of products in the process have flown
Process https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/352998/ flew off The logs show that from 2023-08-29 14:56:10 there are a bunch of records with change...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
11.09.2023, 09:37
API changes - Checkbox and New Mail have created an integration
Checkbox and Nova Poshta have created an integration that allows you to create check blanks, and after the client receives the package with payment...
1 answer
09.09.2023, 21:14
Orders from Khoroshop are not arriving
Everything worked fine, but orders stopped coming from good and there was an error in the application: https://prnt.sc/no1MvmF_H95j
3 answer
13.09.2023, 10:23
Payment by ONE Box
Good afternoon, I paid $7.09 10 for telephony, now I am reviewing the balance and these funds are not there, where did they go and could you return...
5 replies
TTN novo' poshta disappear in orders
in the last couple of days, the TTN numbers of the new post began to disappear from the orders I create a shipment, through the procedure I create ...
4 answer
18.01.2021, 13:11
Setting up a template for describing TTN
Good afternoon. I can't figure out how to set up a Template for additional product information for TTN. I need the TTN description to contain a...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.09.2020, 19:34
AUTO RIA Integration
Here is the API https://developers.ria.com/ There is a client - the company Bavaria Motors, the official dealer of BMW PURPOSE of integration: 1. P...
3 answer
12.09.2023, 12:41
How the section "Configure autofill of fields" works (Object Designer block)
The system has a section "Configure autofill of fields" in the Object Designer block Where can you read how it works?
5 replies
07.09.2023, 12:59
Need revision with rounding off the price of goods with a discount
It is required that the prices of goods are always integers. Even after applying the discount. Therefore, it is necessary that the rounded price be...