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Search results for query #строительная компания

CRM for a construction company
It is necessary to optimize the work of the head office of a construction company. In fact, there is a head office and 15 branches in different cit...
1 answer
16.12.2020, 12:13
There is the following functionality in boxing, how to set it up?
Construction companies for construction companies. There is the following need: it is necessary to plan less work on the busy working areas, the ho...
3 answer
07.10.2020, 13:11
Solution for a construction company
Field: construction company. The system is needed primarily for engineers. Leads come from the mail. Fall in the system in one column.Next the mana...
Project for a construction company. Solving customer needs
The client has a construction company. He plans to use the system to control and account for the warehouse (to control the quantity of each item), ...

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