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Search results for query #спосіб оплати

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Automatic change of payment method, although automation is not configured
Good afternoon, when the order is transferred to the 2nd stage of the business process, the payment method is changed automatically, although it sh...
2015902912 - Added functionality for "Import processes from CS-Cart"
For the "Import processes from CS-Cart" section, the ability to set the locking method has been added, and the name cscart is added below...
1 answer
13.05.2022, 15:33
Do not have the ability to 2 moves on the essence of functional significance
Method of payment and delivery in the same order and in the Prompts and in Koshika in the template, I can’t correctly display the online store, swi...
1 answer
21.01.2021, 12:58
Commission field in the payment method.
Good day. Є field in the payment method "Commission percentage" At the moment, having entered the value in the field, the process is add...

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