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Search results for query #создание ттн

3 answer
18.08.2022, 10:49
An incorrect phone number is pulled up in the order and when creating a TTN
Good afternoon! There was a problem, we can not understand how this happened at all. We sent a parcel to the client, but some left phone number pul...
TTN is not created
I’ve been fighting all day and I can’t find an error, when I click on the CREATE TTN button, I get an error: "Failed to create TTN", alre...
4 answer
22.07.2022, 11:11
Working with the NP Logistic app
Where can I find out how it should work in processes? What login and password does it ask for when setting up an account in the application? and wr...
7 replies
We cannot create TTN for departments that did not work for the first month of the war.
We cannot create TTN for departments that did not work in the first month of the war, but now they are already working. Examples in the new mail,...
5 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
24.01.2022, 21:35
TTN NP are created for a long time in automatic mode
TTN NP are created for a long time in automatic mode Previously, it took 10-12 seconds to close TTN NP At the same time, this process takes up a sp...
3 answer
17.12.2021, 12:37
EN creation error
Invoices are created from an individual and not from a sole proprietorship. Because of this, they do not accept new mail. How to fix?
8 replies
11.12.2021, 20:19
Create TTN with a description similar to NP
Is it possible to add description generation in Justin settings, similar to new mail (Fig. 2.)?
Menu "New mail TTN" does not work
After switching from the order card to the "New TTN mail" menu, the system freezes (everything worked before) and gives an error "50...
4 answer
02.11.2021, 13:01
Error when creating TTN
https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/5870/invoice/ In the New Mail TTN process tab, I set the parameters for each place of departu...
2015859193 - Improved integration with UkrPoshta.
Added setting "Use client's full name from process to create TTN" for integration with UkrPoshta.

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