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Search results for query #работа кпи

2 answer
KPI not recalculated
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/kpi/userhistory/?kpiid[]=70&ok=Filter&dat... 00&...
1 answer
Bug. unable to add rule to KPI
For example here /app/kpi/67/params/ The "Add" button does not work and does not react in any way. Please fix.
7 replies
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
27.03.2021, 14:47
does not create a task in KPI
process https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/ezhednevnaya-otchetnost/10361/... We select the field and when saving we get It also ...
6 replies
19.02.2021, 09:46
KPI Sold category (sum of products) by an employee per month
Good afternoon. There are questions about this KPI: 1. Tell me, can I use this KPI to calculate how much an employee sold goods in a particular cat...
2 answer
01.12.2020, 00:48
Omission in KPI calculation - BoxKPI_OrderClouseSumMonth
Universal handler for calculating the amount of closed processes in the system currency. In the settings, the Counting Period is specified from the...

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