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Search results for query #пошта

Refinement is required
Add automation for adding TTNs that go to us to the process. That is, the action searches for TTN integration that are directed TO us, and adds TTN...
3 answer
How to remove excess data from the connected gmail mail box?
I connected the gmail mail to the box, all the mail from the account was uploaded, which is almost 8 GB, although there was no warning about the im...
Are the files on the connected mail @gmail.com taking up space on the OneBox drive?
I have Google Mail connected. They send me emails with attached files. Are these files taking up space on my account?
Letter template
Good day. please tell me, the template of the letter is configured, but it does not add the additional field of the product "Place in the warehouse...
8 replies
18.09.2023, 16:36
Today, letters to the supplier stopped being sent
Today, letters to the supplier stopped being sent. At the "Order sent automatically" stage, the sending of a document with a list of goods to the s...
7 replies
28.08.2023, 10:39
The system does not receive letters
Here is the letter 08/28/2023 10:33 https://prnt.sc/fCs5y-KyePHf https://univer.1b.app/app/event/?evtypeArray%5B%5D=email&showhidden=1&da...
Minimum product reserve
Good afternoon, tell me how to set up a notification to the employee by mail about reaching the minimum reserve of the product in the warehouse
5 replies
05.06.2023, 15:02
It takes a very long time to send letters
Good day Letters are sent at best once an hour, can you see why? https://orc-test.kiev.ua/
6 replies
Google mail connection
Can't connect email. Followed the instructions did not work, through application passwords there was success but not for long, now it gives an error.
0 replies
20.03.2023, 17:12
The letter was read
Is it possible to track whether a person has read a letter to whom it was sent. Typically, these emails are sent through an action in a business pr...

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