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Search results for query #поле процесса

3 answer
01.11.2023, 18:48
"Calculate and write value in additional field" action does not work with certain settings
If in the action "Calculate and record values ​​in an additional field" you select the field for recording the result "Additional expenses" ([costs...
Copy process link to add. process field
Good afternoon. There is a need to transfer the process link to third-party software through the API. How can I automatically copy the process link...
4 answer
13.08.2021, 11:49
Fill in the process or contact field
Good afternoon! There is an action "Fill in the field of the process or contact", in which there is a checkbox "Clear the selected f...
1 answer
24.06.2021, 11:41
Copy action. process product fields
http://crm.mebelok.com/ There is an action to copy additional. process product fields to another process You can select additional a process field...
12 replies
16.03.2021, 09:46
Bug when entering a value in the process field
Good afternoon! After entering the value in the product table and proceeding to editing the next field, the value is still entered in the table. I&...
10 replies
04.03.2021, 18:11
How can we record information from the additional field of the process in the additional field of finance?
I know that there is automation that, when making a payment in the process, allows you to configure the completion of an additional finance field, ...
10 replies
26.10.2020, 17:42
Setting up additional fields for process products
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/prodazhi/115026/edit/ there is a field http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admi...
5 replies
13.10.2020, 13:51
Copying from the process contact tab to the additional process field
You can make an action that will copy data from the contacts tab of the process, these contacts to the additional field of the process. I'll gi...
2 answer
09.09.2020, 13:03
Automatic completion of additional process fields
Good afternoon! It is necessary that in the process "Customer's order" the additional field "Category" is filled in automat...

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