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Search results for query #панель массовых операций

3 answer
07.10.2022, 14:41
Bulk operations on processes
In the My Processes (calendar) section, by default, the bulk operations panel interface configured for the Customer Order Business Process is set. ...
upload payment file
Hello. The client-bank sends the following file with an array of payments: is it possible to load such a file through the bulk operations panel wi...
4 answer
Refinement in the panel of mass operations in Finance
Can it be improved so that the bulk operations panel displays the amount of selected payments, next to the amount?
16 replies
post payments by action in the bulk operations panel
Is it possible, by analogy with the Make a payment action in the bulk operations panel, to make the Post payment action, which will post its amount...
6 replies
04.03.2021, 20:17
Starting a process procedure from the bulk operations panel
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to modify the launch of process procedures in the panel of mass operations on processes? That is, in the bu...
1 answer
Panel of mass operations on processes
Hello. After updating the system, in the drop-down list "Change stage to" (in the Panel of mass operations on processes), stages from var...
2015374456 - Finalization of the mass change of the contact group
For the block of the panel of mass operations of contacts, in which you can delete a group, the “remove from all groups” setting has been improved

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