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Finalization_ report on work with receivables
Good afternoon The client sent a request to improve this report https://docs.google.com/document/d/19MPfq154B7gQZlmQfdZd2J0lwQ7t4N4WvNcS7BHDlaQ/...
1 answer
14.06.2023, 10:38
Improvements for the category tree sales report
Here https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/report/desiner/26/view/?order_fromfiltercustomdata...
Remove zeros after decimal point
Good afternoon, from 01.05 zeros after the decimal point appeared in the report block. https://arktika.crm-onebox.com/app/report/desiner/8/view/?or...
4 answer
Personal license
28.03.2023, 13:59
Sort by date in Customer report (document template)
Greetings! There is a report, for example https://knkrd.1b.app/app/report/desiner/1/view/?filter_user_client=48&filter...
12 replies
Personal license
28.03.2023, 13:50
Using if else comparison operators in Customer Report (document template)
Greetings! There is a report, for example https://knkrd.1b.app/app/report/desiner/1/view/?filter_user_client=48&filter...
2 answer
30.12.2022, 09:59
The transition from the report to the processes does not work
Good afternoon, I click on the number of processes in the reports and should transfer to these filtered entities, but it does not work https://se...
1 answer
22.11.2022, 15:38
BUG (probably) in the display of the report Table of tasks/orders/projects
Report https://ibb.co/j6WDyMb https://murmur.1b.app/app/report/designer/7/#add indicated in the fields of the process product fields: https://ibb.c...
23 answer
Personal license
20.09.2022, 09:55
Can we generate reports based on data from a component?
Situation: We want to see certain reports on the operation of this component. In view of this, there are several questions about his work. Question...
3 answer
31.08.2022, 13:14
In the "Contact Type" report filter, transliterate
The "contact type" filter is not displayed correctly in reports. It is necessary to indicate how the value of this list is signed. The fo...
1 answer
08.08.2022, 16:30
Filter not working
I made a report on the Reconciliation Act, but when I put a client in the filter and click filter, the rest of the clients still remain. Why is the...

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