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Search results for query #интерфейс карточки контакта

2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
19.10.2022, 11:22
The field in the contact card is not cleared
Hello! The Group field is not cleared in the contact card. https://ptichkinsad.1b.app/app/contact/5621/ The "clear" function does not wor...
2 answer
05.02.2021, 10:03
The interface for displaying payments in the contact card floated
The interface for displaying payments in the contact card floated https://prnt.sc/yday3e https://prnt.sc/ydaz7a http://crm.sportlife.ua/admin/shop/...
4 answer
21.10.2020, 15:58
Ability to edit fields when clicking on the contact field
The client asks if the interface of the program (client card) can be changed so that it is possible to edit the fields by clicking on the contact f...
4 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
17.10.2020, 17:26
Customization of the contact card interface
The interface of the contact card is perfected for skin type contact. Can you copy an interface from one type to another type? І, yakscho є, give k...
2015408288 - Added "Business process creation button" to contact card interface
Added the ability to display process creation buttons in the contact card interface. Implemented using the interface block “Button for creating a b...
2015134748 - Added product display block in contact card
For the interface of the contact card, the block “Products with a match by an additional field” has been improved - it will display products in whi...
2015169811 - Added the ability to display the block of recent client processes several times
Improved the ability to display the block “Recent business processes where the client participates as a contact to the process” several times in th...
2015094463 - Added the creation of an address assignment block for employees with a selection of company addresses in the box
The block "Assigning an address according to company addresses" has been added to the interface of the contact card, the block is display...
2015069481 - Added "Holding company structure" contact interface block
For the contact card, the block “Structure of the holding company” has been improved, the block displays the hierarchy of this company
2014622127 - Added interface block with events in the contact card
For the contact card interface, the “Last client events” block has been added, it also works like a similar block of the process interface, but her...

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