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Search results for query #бинотел

3 answer
20.09.2023, 17:46
The conversation recording does not appear in OneBox
We recently connected telephony from Binotel, we are still setting it up, perhaps we are missing something in the settings / nuances. Please tell m...
1 answer
Personal license
07.08.2023, 14:35
Outgoing not working
Integration works calls come to CRM, https://prnt.sc/bOLTd5ivjr4m and it is possible to call only directly from Binotel, but from CRM it gives an ...
2 answer
31.07.2023, 11:54
The call does not start when clicking on the phone number
Binotel is connected to us, shows calls in events, shows a pop-up window with the client's data during a call. But when you click on the phone numb...
2 answer
31.03.2023, 11:20
outgoing call does not work
Good afternoon. I have a problem, when I try to make an outgoing call from OneBox, it gives the following message https://img.crm-onebox.com//media...
1 answer
07.03.2023, 16:46
binotel conversation records are not loaded
records of conversations in CRM https://crm.tdp.com.ua/ with binotel are not loaded
5 replies
15.02.2023, 18:26
No popup appears
We changed telephony from phonet to binotel, the settings are made in the same way. sent them a request. The window does not appear.
2 answer
Personal license
17.11.2022, 00:49
BUG calls are not displayed, pop-ups, no call records
Telephony is empty https://sbplus.1b.app/app/binotel-1/ Api comes https://sbplus.1b.app/app/app-api/ Events are https://sbplus.1b.app/app/event/ Ca...
10 replies
18.10.2022, 13:00
Display of the call source in a pop-up window when there is an incoming call
Problem: When there is an incoming call, displays the SOURCE (source). There are created sources: In the Events section (link source and event), e...
7 replies
22.09.2022, 15:38
Binotel and vanbox user integration
How can I add this integration for a new user? the main task is that by clicking on the phone number, this phone is transferred to the softphone, a...
Popup not working
Good afternoon Set up integration with binotel https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/binotel-1/ calls, statuses and audio recordings are transmitted popup ...

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