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Search results for query #артикул

2 answer
15.03.2024, 10:34
Search by article does not work in CRM (in the order itself)
Good afternoon. Search by article does not work in CRM (in the order itself) For example: art. 16944 https://prnt.sc/Kx5rZuWe0yPE art.16818 https:/...
Printing of price tags by articles
This is the problem, if you enter several identifiers of the product in the product field in the settings for printing price tags, everything works...
0 replies
04.09.2023, 13:48
Incorrectly imported article from Opencart
There are leading zeros in the article number. The article is imported into the box without zeros. Please correct, because the article can be not...
1 answer
26.10.2022, 10:59
Does not update the products in the order through the API
Here is an example of an order https://fr-auto.1box.link/1488/ Here is the log of the renewal of the order by goods (you need to search by order nu...
1 answer
01.09.2022, 11:57
When updating product data - creates a duplicate
Here is the order https://fr-auto.1box.link/1113/ First, an order is created then it is updated with goods add an article to the product But when...
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
14.11.2021, 14:24
The system does not record in the history of the change of the product, even if it was added in front 0 or it was removed in the field article
Axis of history change by product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/64906/history/?userid=&filter2_key=va...
1 answer
MVP - evaluate the improvement in sorting goods in the personal account
We have a products section in the Personal Account /client/product/list/ . If I understand correctly, now sorting by product id works there and th...
2015837560 - Added columns to the "Ordered products" page
Added columns for the "Custom Products" report: - vendor code; - brand; - barcode.
2015786726 - Improved the functionality of the report "Standard forecast and goods order"
Added Product SKU and Additional Product Fields columns for the "Balance Forecast and Goods Order" report.
2 answer
22.03.2021, 20:25
Implement revision - search and update balances by article
box http://crm.osd.ua/admin/ In action once per minute "Integration of inventory balances in XML warehouses (Import)" It is necessary to...

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