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Search results for query #автоматизация liqpay

1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.12.2020, 19:18
LiqPay - identification of the client and his payment
GOAL: We make a payment in your OneBox personal account via liqpay. It is necessary to identify the client by name, phone number, other characteris...
1 answer
10.12.2020, 11:16
Question about LiqPay application and "LiqPay two-stage payment / Change funds blocking status"
Hello! Need help with "liqpay" app 1) In one of the blocks, the description was not added and because of this it is not clear what exactl...
13 replies
23.08.2020, 13:23
LiqPay Payment Reception Automation
When will the accepted investment be realized? It's been over half a year... http://joxi.ru/krDgJygs406obA
4 answer
18.08.2019, 15:45
LiqPay Payment Reception Automation
LiqPay payment acceptance automation This will greatly speed up the processing of orders. No need to check payments manually. 1. Ability to create ...

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