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Category parent disappears

Hello. Constantly in one category the parent category disappears (in the rondom).
Help solve the problem with zeroing the parent category.
Link to the category https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/category/29147/
And I moved the goods to this category the other day, but the lines were gone. Here is an example of a product https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/1053083/edit/
I beg you to help me, I'm already tired of fighting with it
Original question is available on version: ru


mows it down with cron (Process products import XML...). These are the actions of importing products from files. Go through the files, see if this category is there (by name or id) and if there is a parent one. If not, the culprit has been found.
22.08.2023, 14:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the answer.
I created this category manually, not through an automatic action.
I did not find any import files of this category either by name or by ID.
In all actions I included "Do not update information about categories and the category tree (only new categories will be created).", it can help.
And by the way, when importing from XML, I specify a prefix to the external ID of the categories, according to the idea, I shouldn’t touch
22.08.2023, 15:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Well, I’m not sure that it’s from there, since I haven’t checked further, but at least it’s written that way in history.
Monitor for a couple of days, if everything is ok, then the reason is found.
22.08.2023, 15:42
Original comment available on version: ru

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