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Refinement of the product price calculation functionality

We have the following processes in our system:

- List of supplier positions

- List of client positions

- Customer order

1. In the List of positions of the supplier, the prices for the characteristics of the product are fixed (the price of the stamp, the price of printing, varnish, additional layers, etc.)

2. The products are fixed in the customer's item list, and the price of the product depends on the prices for the product characteristics entered in the supplier's item list.

3. Accordingly, the prices in the customer's order will also be drawn from the customer's list of items

The prices in the Supplier's Item List are recalculated over time, and accordingly, the price is also recalculated in the Customer's Item List and the Customer's Order. But for customers who buy a product, before recalculating the prices, the previous cost must be left.

It is necessary to implement the "price calculation" button

The main function that this functionality should perform is blocking the automatic recalculation of the price of the product in the List of customer items, taking into account the prices of the components of the product, and fixing the previously calculated price, i.e. in the event of clicking on this button and the manufacturer changing the prices in the List of supplier items on the characteristics of the product, the price of the product itself must remain as it was before the calculation, that is, what it was before clicking, and not be calculated until we disable this button.

auxiliary screens
Original question is available on version: ua


Good afternoon. The price in the order is never recalculated anyway, i.e. fixed. Am I correct in understanding that you need:
1. When you click on some button, the prices are taken from the supplier's orders
2. No one else could change the price (except for the button above).
05.07.2023, 18:51
Original comment available on version: ru

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1. We have set up so that the price for the customer's Order is drawn from the customer's List of items, which in turn is calculated from the supplier's List of items, as was written in the message above.
2. We need this button, on the contrary, when we press it, to block the recalculation of the price in the List of client items and, accordingly, in the client's Orders, so that the price is not recalculated.
For example: our client ordered at one price, but then the supplier recalculated prices by components (brand, varnish, etc.) and the price changed accordingly. And it is necessary for some customers to keep the price at the previous level. And we block the recalculation with this button
06.07.2023, 11:54
Original comment available on version: ua

Understood, let's then not with a button, but check the additional field of the process product. For example, we make an additional field for the product of the "Lock price recalculation" process. You put a one there with a button or hands, and in the action that changes the price, we make the setting so as not to launch a price calculation for the product if the "Lock price recalculation" additional field is filled. That is, we will finalize in one necessary action a purely setting in order to ignore the products of the process for which the additional is filled. field.
06.07.2023, 12:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Will the product application of the "Block price recalculation" process be duplicated and work in other business processes?
What I mean is that we have a business process. The list of customer items extends into other business processes: Customer order, Logistics, and others.
It is important that the subsequent processes are the same, i.e., the data is transmitted seamlessly. And so that nothing will change when we are in the business process. The client agreement moves to other stages
07.07.2023, 12:09
Original comment available on version: ua

Consulting company "Sales Bureau" wrote:
І so nothing has changed if we will be in the business process.

I can’t guarantee you anything here, because I don’t understand how your PSU is configured. If the price change occurs only by the action described above, then the value of the additional field will be the same and in all such actions at the stages you will be able to prescribe the same settings. If there is some other action that changes the price, then naturally the price will change
07.07.2023, 13:30
Original comment available on version: ru

If there is a need to make such a ban on other business processes that copy data - will you be able to do it as well?
Do you already have an estimate for us on how long it will take to do this ban for now?
And if it is necessary in other PSUs, then how will we act and how many hours can it roughly be?
10.07.2023, 16:35
Original comment available on version: ua

Consulting company "Sales Bureau" wrote:
If there is a need to make such a ban on other business processes that copy data - will you be able to do it as well?
Do you already have an estimate for us on how long it will take to do this ban for now?
And if it is necessary in other PSUs, then how will we act and how many hours can it roughly be?

I didn't evaluate you the improvement for a specific BP, I evaluated the improvement of a specific action. If you use this action in other BPs, you will naturally be able to turn on the necessary ticks there yourself, but if you change the price there in some other way, then you need to understand how the corresponding actions are completed.
I suggest now that you change the price of a modification that will not affect the product of the process if the selected double field is filled (it will take 2 hours), you configure it, look at it, check it on your PSU, and if there are any other problems or wishes, we will look further . I draw your attention to the fact that I will only finalize the setting with the selection of the dopfield in action, you will configure further procedures, filling the dopfield, etc. yourself.
10.07.2023, 20:37
Original comment available on version: ua

There are some clarifications in order to clearly show you how price recalculation works.
To understand whether the option you suggested will work or not?
Since we are already passing on the specific information of the client's OneBox configuration, we ask that third-party integrators do not connect to the solution of this issue, only OneBox production
I am attaching a video of how a product is created for a client's Item List and how it is calculated.
It is necessary to include a ban on the second time calculating the price (that is, not to list the price that was calculated the first time) in the List of client positions
Designer of procedures for "List of customer items"
Designer of procedures for "List of positions of the supplier plant"
For example, ONE of the procedures that lists the price.
13.07.2023, 15:53
Original comment available on version: ua

I suggest:
Add the selection of an additional field of the process product to the action "Add and write the value of the additional field". If the additional field is filled in, STOP the action for the process product and go to the next process product. If it suits you, do it. If not, we don't. You yourself must understand how the PSU is configured there, what actions how to copy the price and whether this option is suitable or not, I absolutely do not need this information. I suggest what exactly and in what action to finalize, the rest is handled by integrators, in this case it's you.
13.07.2023, 16:14
Original comment available on version: ru

What you suggested will not work.
Because not only one action is responsible for recalculating the price.
So just adding the one action you suggested won't help.
More than one procedure and many actions are responsible there.
For example, ONE of the procedures that lists the price.
Designer of procedures for "List of customer items"
Designer of procedures for "List of positions of the supplier plant"
Could you please take a look at those links and tell me how best to do this and what I would need to do?
17.07.2023, 12:22
Original comment available on version: ua

Valeria wrote:
To that, just give one diu, you did not pronounce it for help.
There v_dpovidaє more than one procedure and rich diy.

in the end, does one action transfer some calculated price into the price of the product? I understand that you consider the price there according to the additional fields, transfer it to the third additional field, and so on. But the final action of transferring price to price does only 1 action
17.07.2023, 12:33
Original comment available on version: ru

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