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After the 1st, a lot of products without photos and without articles

After the 1st, a lot of products appeared without photos and without articles, but somehow they get into the order in the box.
The product that was bought on the site has the article 4024144642588
In the box in the order, this product has no photo and no article
In the product card in the box, the code of this product is 115171 (no photo, no article) - but if in the box you use the search by the article of the product that you bought on the site then in the box this product has the code 89990 (has a photo and has an article). But in the box order we see the same product, but without a photo and without an article.
How does a product without an article number get into an order in a box? Why is there no photo and no article? Why did duplicate products appear and how to fix it? It started after the 1st and on the 1st there was an automatic system update.
Original question is available on version: ru


Скляров Александр
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To be more precise, it started on the 2nd at 7 am.
Some products in the order in the box have an article but no photo, and some have neither a photo nor an article.
Previously, all products had everything (articles, photos) and there were no duplicates. And now chaos, orders can not be processed.
What a fool!
04.01.2023, 01:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Скляров Александр
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I seem to have found the reason.
screenshot 1
Boxing imports goods from an order from the site.
It shouldn't be like that. As it was before, the box looks into the database of the site, sees the article of the product in the order on the site and finds this product by the article in the box. And now, instead, boxing imports goods from orders from the site.
04.01.2023, 01:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. As of the first of this year, we do not support the mvp box version or older. Please upgrade to os so we can help you.
04.01.2023, 11:28
Original comment available on version: ru

Скляров Александр
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Bu, thank you for your reply!
I thought that on the 1st, the box would be updated automatically, at least that's how it was indicated.
Next update date 11th
04.01.2023, 14:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Please specify in the topic where it was written about the automatic update, why it did not happen for your system. Unfortunately, I can't help you with this issue.
04.01.2023, 15:41
Original comment available on version: ru


Alexander Sklyarov wrote:
To be more precise, it started on the 2nd at 7 am.
Some products in the order in the box have an article number but no photo, and some have neither a photo nor an article number.
Earlier, all goods (articles, photos) were available and there were no duplicates. And now it's chaos, it's impossible to process orders.
Complete mess!

It seems to you that when importing orders, the system does not find the product and is in action so that the system creates the product if it does not find it, as a result, you have duplicate products.
Maybe you changed something in the products or in the box or on the website (perhaps the name), and the system searches by name, as a result, it does not find it.
Try to see by which field the system searches for a product and set the system not to create new products, but perhaps to add fictitious products (for a while)
06.01.2023, 12:23
Original comment available on version: ua

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