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OS: Pererakhunok tsіn

Clarify, be kind, how to check the check mark in the fixed prices for the price change -
We checked the checkbox in the checkboxes, but when starting the resale price for goods, the price is fixed to the old price of the sale, so the price of the sale before the resale was higher after the resale price ( ).
What is the possibility of choosing a fixed price?
Original question is available on version: ru


the MVP version has this setting https://1b.app/ru/ajax/download/12948/ blocking overwriting of the encrypted price
Tell me, be kind, why is there a glitch in a particular box, why did the OS version change the logic of price change?
17.12.2021, 17:26
Original comment available on version: ru

Tell me, be kind, overwriting the crossed prices when the checkbox is enabled https://1b.app/ru/ajax/download/12948/ It's a glitch, why did the OS version change the logic for rewriting the prices, and this checkmark is not enough to not overwrite the crossed prices?
28.12.2021, 18:17
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello. Fixed, the checkmark will be taken into account when recalculating prices as before. Expect updates
29.12.2021, 11:20
Original comment available on version: ru

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