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End-to-end analytics using Binotel

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Lead needs end-to-end analytics.
Calls come from Binotel.
Orders from the site on Laravel
Payments will be taken from 1C
They need to understand
1. Which of the calls came from which advertising source
2. Did the call go into an order from the site
3. How many payments were received from which source
It seems that for the first and second points we have a sync with Binotel with call tracking
The crux of the matter is that the Binotel manager told the client that they have a ready-made solution for this with Bitrix24 and some other CRM, but not with OneBox.
Binotel employee confuses something?
How can we do what the client wants?
Original question is available on version: ru


1. All call tags coming with push notifications from binotel (if there are tags) are pulled to the client at the end of the call.
2. Labels can be dragged into the process using the action "Automatically add UTM tags to processes based on (Binotel Call Tracking/Ringostat"). That is, if there was a communication with the client of the process and he has tags in the binotel, they will be dragged into the process.
3. Here you already need to look for a report that will group the processes by source and display the amount of payments for such processes. In the report designer block "List of processes", in my opinion, there is a similar functionality
those. In fact, you can set it all up as the client needs.
08.09.2020, 16:31
Original comment available on version: ru

We consider the answer of Dmitry Bodyako to be correct, but I want to add something about end-to-end analytics, I think that in time this question will be googled and will benefit users.
The task of "end-to-end analytics" is not solved by any one service, even if they write and talk like that.
End-to-end analytics is
1. at least when you know exactly where the client came from,
2. optionally, you know how he interacted with you and touched,
3. as a maximum, you know the value of each channel, consider ROI, ROMI and other abbreviations-matyuki.
This means that information about all touches on ads should be linked not to the lead, but to his company (contact information). In B2B, there is often a situation when a lead (application) came from some source (for example, facebook) on January 1, 2020, did not buy anything, he was refused. Then he came back to you through another channel (google) a year later and bought it. And the question is: count the conversion in facebook or google? In this example, obviously facebook. But, if your channel information is not tied to a company card (person's contacts), then your analytics system will count in google.
And, unfortunately, no analytics system known to me does this. Everything, as if by choice, binds utm-tags to applications, and not to contacts of applications.
09.09.2020, 09:46
Как со мной связаться - никак :)
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Original comment available on version: ru

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