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How to fix the bug??

Good day
The topic has been hanging for 6 days without a single answer.
All this time, the functionality for which the SRM was configured does not work.
How to fix the bug??
Last time there was the same situation, I spent 3 weeks trying to fix the error
Original question is available on version: ua


if it was a bug, it could have been fixed
and so in search of the logic according to which you set up the action - I don't even know what you wanted to do)
Now you have the following settings:
- we take process contacts that do not exist and add them to contacts under the condition of an additional field that should be taken from contacts that do not exist))))))))))
I think you need to either select a group or set the conditions through the settings of the Conditions of additional filtering of contacts to add:
21.11.2024, 12:57
Original comment available on version: ua

This functionality worked for me for 2 years after the previous bug fix.

The action "Add contacts to the Process Contacts tab" adds contacts, the selected field of which matches the field of the customer of the order, when moving to the stage, order contacts.

That is, 2 contacts have the field filled with the same value, one of them is a process contact, when moving to the action stage, the action must find another contact and record it in the process contacts, the selection of a group is not mandatory, when no group is selected, it must search all of them, yes written in action setting.

What is not logical here?

I reproduced this in the test business process so that it would be easier to check and explain what the problem is.
21.11.2024, 13:10
Original comment available on version: ua

Good day
Please check now that the operation is correct.
21.11.2024, 13:52
Original comment available on version: ua

Maksym Vadimovich Tyndyk
OneBox production wrote:
Good day
Please check now that the operation is correct.

Thank you.
Action works, adds contacts.
21.11.2024, 14:08
Original comment available on version: ua

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