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Import of goods (currency)

Good day
There is a problem with the import of goods from Ukraine.
The currency in the store in the goods is UAH
Currency in CRM in products is indicated in USD
The main currency in the system is UAH
When the goods arrive from the warehouse, they change both the currency and the price of the goods, but in a strange sequence. Accordingly, the price for usd changes with the conversion, but at the same time the currency also changes)
The product on the website costs UAH 5,999
Starting at $60
after import into it, the price is UAH 60 per month
Can you tell me what the problem is?
Original question is available on version: ua


Donats 1
5 USD from CosGroup
19.06.2024, среда, 23:55
Original comment available on version: ua

Thank you :)
20.06.2024, четверг, 10:56
Original comment available on version: ua

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