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Tilda integration - how to move the process to the right stage?

Orders come from Tilda, we have one BP for orders. But in the case of Prom, Rozetka - we have the opportunity to accept the BP at the desired stage, then in the case of Tilda, it automatically switches to the "new" status.
How to add a condition so that tilde orders jump to the desired stage where the additional fields we need are filled in and changed? is there any condition?
Original question is available on version: ru


In the tilde integration settings, you can select an additional process field in which to write the source form ID . This field will only be populated if the process came from Tilda.
And then in the business process put the action "Change the business process and stage depending on the field values". With this action, you will check the presence of a value in this additional field, and if the field is filled, you will switch to the stage you need.
17.01.2022, 12:58
Original comment available on version: ru

And if there are several tilde sites - check through the hidden tilde field? or is it possible to somehow see the value of the "source form ID" field that a specific site sends via a webhook?
17.01.2022, 13:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Remezovich Valentin wrote:
And if there are several tilde sites - check through the hidden tilde field? or is it possible to somehow see the value of the "source form ID" field that a specific site sends via a webhook?

In the logs, you can see the value of the "Source form ID" [formid] field and, based on this, already change the BP and the stage.
17.01.2022, 13:10
Original comment available on version: ru

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