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Users are complaining about several critical issues

Good day!
I use your service to set up a tg-bot:
- https://carmalift.1b.app/desktop/
- https://t.me/carmalift_bot
We use the bot as a landing/communication channel for users of our mobile application.
Yesterday we had another beta release of our application and received reports of several critical issues.
1. Users periodically open a chat with a bot, and because of this they cannot use the menu until they tap "end chat"
In our settings, it is set to open a chat when the user writes something random to the bot - but for some reason it opens when they use the menu buttons (and not the chat call button).
I noticed that this problem was reproduced for me when I made changes to the buttons (I simply renamed one of them) - the chat was already open when I first opened the menu. And the button was updated only after clicking "End chat"
2. Periodically, the bot turns the text block twice/three times, which is called by "quick response"
3. Users continue to receive messages through the bot's mailing list, even when they have already unsubscribed from it.
Original question is available on version: ua


1. The scheme for opening a chat is as follows: if some text comes into the chat that differs from the names of the buttons, the chat opens. In your case, you changed the names of the buttons and the user's menu remained with the old buttons (it is updated only when interacting with the bot), so if you clicked on the old button, it was not found among the current one and opened the chat.
How to fix it: turn off the setting that always opens the chat
2. I didn't understand you.
3. Not enough unsubscribe from the bot to not receive messages from him. It must be stopped and blocked if you just unsubscribed from the bot - the bot still has the right to send you any messages.
21.04.2023, 11:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Пузіченко Юра
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you
Thanks for the answer)
2. I meant that when you click on "quick reply" in the bot, the corresponding text block came twice, and sometimes three times.
But the problem is no longer reproduced, so maybe it was some episodic bug
23.04.2023, 11:29
Original comment available on version: ua

This could only happen if the click happened several times in a row, since by default a box can send only one block and a block with a menu to boot. Several answers could be only if the telegram sent several requests to the block, this could be either due to a double click or due to some kind of glitch. If the situation does not repeat itself, I think you can write it off as a temporary failure.
24.04.2023, 17:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Пузіченко Юра
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you
Thank you)
25.04.2023, 17:22
Original comment available on version: ua

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