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Liability balance in the contact card

Good afternoon.
For a year and a half I didn’t work somewhere with clients and their obligations, and when I returned to them I found strange changes.
Previously, in the "Finance" block, there was another field, "The final balance of the client", which was calculated as:
Client obligations (balance sheet) - Our obligations (balance sheet).
It was a standard boxing decision and it completely suited us according to its logic. And it is under this logic that we have configured all business processes for several years.
Now this field has disappeared somewhere, and the additional block "Balance for the period" displays quite strange values.
I tried to play with the settings of the finance block, but the result is zero. There are two settings for the output of the final balance, which give exactly the same result, and in our case it is wrong, because. for some reason they add obligations instead of their difference.
The question is how to retur
Original question is available on version: ru


Тзов Екомора
Personal license
try axis like this
02.04.2021, 15:19
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
more precisely
02.04.2021, 15:20
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
more precisely

Thanks, but alas, it's not. I wrote about this above, as I have already tried all the settings of the block.
All our orders/payments/returns have been carried out for several years, taking into account the fact that obligations are considered as the difference (of the client minus ours). This setting produces incorrect results. Boxing gives -173268.39, but it should be -36540.59
02.04.2021, 15:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, Lyudmila.
In "System settings" --> "Other", namely here /admin/shop/settings/finance/ , there is a setting "Calculate the final balance of obligations as the sum of the client's obligations and our obligations" .
When this checkbox is enabled, the data in the interface block "Balance for the period" will be considered as the client's obligations + our obligations.
Try to enable the specified checkbox, and then go to the contact card and click on the "Show" button in the interface block.
02.04.2021, 17:02
Original comment available on version: ru

Markov Evgeny Igorevich wrote:
Good afternoon, Lyudmila.
In "System settings" --> "Other", namely here /admin/shop/settings/finance/ , there is a setting "Calculate the final balance of obligations as the sum of the client's obligations and our obligations" .
When this checkbox is enabled, the data in the interface block "Balance for the period" will be considered as the client's obligations + our obligations.
Try to enable the specified checkbox, and then go to the contact card and click on the "Show" button in the interface block.

Thanks, but again it's not. As a result, the Sum is again, but the Difference is needed (as before). Gives -173268.39, but it should be -36540.59
02.04.2021, 17:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Please write the id of this contact in the system.
02.04.2021, 17:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Markov Evgeny Igorevich wrote:
Please write the id of this contact in the system.

02.04.2021, 17:45
Original comment available on version: ru

If the specified checkbox is off, then the calculation will be: "client's obligations" - "our obligations"
Both values are modulo. Here is the result of counting .
02.04.2021, 17:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Markov Evgeny Igorevich wrote:
If the specified checkbox is off, then the calculation will be: "client's obligations" - "our obligations"
Both values are modulo. Here is the result of counting .

That's the problem, that it counts modulo.
For example, another client, 383.
He has +267 hryvnia when pressed and without pressing. These +267 UAH are his deposit, in fact he overpaid us. You can open his orders and count with your hands. This amount is displayed with a plus, and this is logical: the final balance of the client is +267, which means he has a deposit.
And for client 807, the indicated UAH 36,540.59 is the client's debt (the goods have been shipped, but not yet paid, because the client has a deferred payment).
As a result, when I open the client card, I don’t see in the final balance what kind of balance it is, is it a client’s debt or an overpayment.
The old line with the Total balance (in the "Finance" block, above) counted without a module, and taking into account the signs and it was convenient, because. it was immediately clear who owes whom, we to the client or he to us. But now that line is gone.
02.04.2021, 18:00
Original comment available on version: ru

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