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Integration with Binotel does not work correctly

Good afternoon.
Incorrect integration with Binotel:
1. there is no pop-up window about an incoming call, although the employee card has a checkmark to display it;
2. there is no way to listen to the audio call (the audio recording itself is present, but when you click on play, nothing happens).
Original question is available on version: ru


Тзов Екомора
Personal license
Good day
1) Translation of the line is spelled out in the reference card
2) as a spіvrobіtnik then it is possible to have access rights
23.04.2021, 13:50
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
Good day
1) Translation of the line is spelled out in the reference card
2) as a spіvrobіtnik then it is possible to have access rights

On the screenshots, you can see the internal number of the prescriptions on the spivrobitnik, in the patches, the image of the splicing vein has also been added to the new one.
23.04.2021, 14:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon! I think that you need to re-send a letter to Binotel support so that your system and ip address of the server on which the system is located will be given access to requests from the system to Binotel and vice versa. You should have previously sent a letter of this format to support@binotel.ua.
If you do not find a letter, write here, I will send you the text.
Only when sending, check the ip addresses and the address of the system that you send to binotel
23.04.2021, 15:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
and itself vіkno nalashtovano?
I had similar situations, or the line in the CT was incorrectly spelled out, or with rights, although there were no problems with the binotel. integratsiya-binotel-s-onebox/
23.04.2021, 15:19
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim, is your problem solved?
If not, provide a link to your Onebox, or independently check for requests from Binotel in "Logging".
If there are none, use Svyatoslav's comment above.
23.04.2021, 16:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
Maxim, is your problem solved?
If not, provide a link to your Onebox, or independently check for requests from Binotel in "Logging".
If there are none, use Svyatoslav's comment above.

The problem has not been resolved, Binotel's technical support checked for its part and gave an answer:
As we continue our conversation.
We checked the ip address - it has been added to the allowed list. So there can be no difficulties with requests to our REST API from this ip.
Based on this, from the Onebox side, it is necessary to check the algorithm for downloading the call recording. If the difficulty appears at the stage of sending a request to our REST API, please provide an example request and an error in the response from our server.
If you have any questions - write a reply to this message.
Always in touch
Binotel team.
27.04.2021, 13:09
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim, based on the same /admin/shop/report/logs/ logs, I can safely tell you that binotel opened access to requests with the /binotel/push/ type by ip-address, but for the integration to work fully, you also need access to /binotel /push/complete/
and /binotel/push-caller/ .
27.04.2021, 16:08
Original comment available on version: ru

Bushuev Svyatoslav Yurievich wrote:
Maxim, based on the same /admin/shop/report/logs/ logs, I can safely tell you that binotel opened access to requests with the /binotel/push/ type by ip-address, but for the integration to work fully, you also need access to /binotel /push/complete/
and /binotel/push-caller/ .

Please check the correctness of the links by the integrator:
API CALL SETTINGS: https://box.transmarket.ua/binotel/push-caller/
API CALL COMPLETED: https://box.transmarket.ua/binotel/push/complete/
API PUSH: https://box.transmarket.ua/binotel/push/
Thank you.
If you have any questions - write a reply to this message.
Always in touch
Binotel team.
28.04.2021, 13:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim, now according to the logs - everything seems to be ok. Is the issue relevant to you?
28.04.2021, 15:09
Original comment available on version: ru

Bushuev Svyatoslav Yurievich wrote:
Maxim, now according to the logs - everything seems to be ok. Is the issue relevant to you?

Yes, it is impossible to listen to calls.
28.04.2021, 15:11
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim wrote:
Yes, it is impossible to listen to calls.

An example of a problematic event (the most recent) provide for analysis
28.04.2021, 16:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:

Maxim wrote:
Yes, it is impossible to listen to calls.

An example of a problematic event (the most recent) provide for analysis

today, 15:38
Type of person: Vitaliy Mykolayovych (902)
To: Ruslan Vitaliyovych
Telephony: Binotel TransMarket
Dzherelo: 2573328244
Trivality of the call: 00:57
28.04.2021, 16:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim wrote:
today, 15:38
Type of person: Vitaliy Mykolayovych (902)
To: Ruslan Vitaliyovych
Telephony: Binotel TransMarket
Dzherelo: 2573328244
Trivality of the call: 00:57

Please insert links - it's also easier and faster
29.04.2021, 15:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Previously, the problem with listening to audio recordings of the binotel was already solved - the project needed to be updated.
Check for new events that appear after the current moment.
29.04.2021, 15:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich wrote:
Previously, the problem with listening to audio recordings of the binotel was already solved - the project needed to be updated.
Check for new events that appear after the current moment.

Thank you! Everything is working.
05.05.2021, 14:00
Original comment available on version: ru

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