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Interaction from https://www.parts-catalogs.com/

Need real_zuvati sum_sn_st with the right cards for goods in our systems.
the possibility of storing the value of the goods from the order (code, name, group, selection, analogy)
the possibility to search for goods from the catalog by the number or through the choice of the car as in the administration (deskop and mobile addendum) and to the site
de information is transmitted through the API of the box
the possibility to search for analogues from the catalog as in the box (as in the desktop, so in the mobile addendum) and on the site.
detailed description of the product from the catalog
mozhliv_st vikoristovuvat when posting the card to the goods from the catalog or scopіyuvati
Retail prices and customer's price for compensation
It is necessary to appreciate all the features of our boxing.
Original question is available on version: ru macik9157@gmail.com


1. I don't see the API documentation on the site in the public domain - can it be provided only after the conclusion of services?
2. Specify in what form you want to implement all of the above? As I understand it, you do not want to import goods into the box (there are a lot of data + links there), but what if we completely redid the product to work with the databases of this service via API? If so, I don't think your requirements could take less than a few hundred development hours to implement.
23.01.2021, 12:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
1 https://www.parts-catalogs.com/api
2 before the end of the day, and how to import goods into the box?
23.01.2021, 13:17
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

In general, I would immediately recommend that you contact integrators with such large integrations and abstract technical specifications.
23.01.2021, 13:27
Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim wrote:
2 before the end of the day, and how to import goods into the box?

Everything depends on your requirements. If you just import and the rest of the functionality remains as it was - this is one thing. But redesigning the entire system to work with auto parts catalogs is another thing entirely.
Contact integrators, I think they will discuss implementation options with you and evaluate.
23.01.2021, 13:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
23.01.2021, 13:36
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

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