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Rate the functionality improvements for the "Add Payment" and "Edit Payment" windows

It is necessary to refine the functionality for the "Add Payment" and "Edit Payment" windows by adding a new field "Rate (for processes)" and implementing its logic in accordance with the described requirements.
1.Adding a new field:
-Add a field called "Rate (for processes)" to the "Add Payment" and "Edit Payment" windows.
-The field must be available for manual editing by the user.
2. Field activation via BP parameter:
-The "Rate (for processes)" field should be active if the corresponding option is enabled in the business process settings (checkmark, as in the screenshot https://i.imgur.com/W8I8BY2.png ).
-If the checkbox is not enabled, the "Rate (for processes)" field does not affect the logic.
3.Automatic calculation of the value:
-The value in the previously created field "For the amount (in process currency)" should be calculated based on the filled in data:
"Course (for processes)".
"Payment amount".
-The calculation is carried out for payments tied to processes according to the algorithm that was implemented upon request https://1b.app/ua/forum/business-processes/6807-nuzhna-dorabotka-po-kursam-oplat... and looks like the screenshot https://i.imgur.com/NMlTrta.png .
4. Special conditions of logic:
-If the "Exchange rate (for processes)" field is not filled in or equal to 0, but the check box is enabled in the BP parameters, the value in the "Amount (in process currency)" field is not overwritten and remains unchanged.
5.Import payments:
This field should be available when importing payments.
-The "Rate (for processes)" field must be stored in all payments, including those not tied to processes.
-At the same time, the calculation of the field "For the amount (in the process currency)" is carried out only for payments tied to processes.
6. Reverse calculation:
-Reverse calculation for the "Rate (for processes)" field is not required. If the field is not filled in manually, it should remain empty.
Original question is available on version: ua


Please evaluate the functionality improvement according to the above-described TOR.
22.01.2025, 10:47
Original comment available on version: ua

We need an evaluation of the work according to the above TOR for setting up work with finances in the system. Can you tell us if this work can be implemented?
24.01.2025, 10:59
Original comment available on version: ua

EvoSmart Solution
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Lostocka_Kristina wrote:
I need an assessment of the improvement according to the above TS to set up work with finances in the system. Tell me, is it possible to implement this development?

They haven't responded to my T3 for a month now ;) I don't even understand what's going on anymore))))
24.01.2025, 18:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Most likely, your estimate will require several hours to clarify all the details and discuss the nuances.
As a result, they may tell you the price, for example, 500 or 1000 dollars, and you will answer: “Thank you, we will think about it.”
So, they'll spend time on you, and you may either not understand the real cost of the work, or you may not let the developers know that the request is really important to you and that you understand the expected budget.
Perhaps this is the reason for the lack of response. Although I can't say for sure, I have a strong feeling that this is the case. ????
26.01.2025, 16:55
Original comment available on version: ru

We are waiting for the evaluation of this development. It is important for us, and we want to implement it. However, we need to know the deadline and budget costs.
30.01.2025, 13:22
Original comment available on version: ua

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The question is still relevant, can you estimate the work? I am waiting for an answer regarding the cost of the work.
07.02.2025, 11:20
Original comment available on version: ua

Is it possible to implement this work? If so, please provide an assessment.
10.02.2025, 12:48
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I'm still waiting for an evaluation of this work, we want to implement it and need to know the budget
17.02.2025, 14:31
Original comment available on version: ua

Nikolay wrote:
Most likely, your miscalculation will require several hours to clarify all the details and discuss the nuances.
As a result, they may tell you the cost, for example, 500 or 1000 dollars, and you will reply: "Thank you, we'll think about it."
Thus, time is wasted on you, and you may either not understand the real cost of the work, or you may not let the developers understand that the request is really important to you and you are aware of the estimated budget.
Perhaps this is the reason for the lack of an answer. Although I do not state this unequivocally, I have a strong feeling that this is exactly the case. ????

So that seems true.
As a rule, you need to spend a lot of time on such a ticket and in 95% of cases, they answer OK, thank you, and that's it, and no one will compensate you for the time spent.
For customers who really need to do something and not wait long for an answer, there is a new ticket system mechanism https://1b.app/ua/app/corp-support-ticket/ , which is actually inexpensive and in critical cases you can solve your issue or get an estimate, but for some reason everyone is looking for a solution where they can solve their issue for free and urgently.
Regarding the improvements to the ticket description, currently +- the same can be configured through the payment rate field, where the rate from the linked process can be pulled in, but there are many nuances in some points and therefore most likely you cannot do without improvements. Overall, the approximate estimate is about 8 hours.
04.03.2025, 13:35
Original comment available on version: ua

Ustymenko Ihor
For customers who really need to do something and not wait long for an answer, there is a new ticket system mechanism https://1b.app/ua/app/corp-support-ticket/ , which is actually inexpensive and in critical cases you can solve your issue or get an estimate, but for some reason everyone is looking for a solution where they can solve their issue for free and urgently.
Regarding the improvements to the ticket description, currently +- the same can be configured through the payment rate field, where the rate from the linked process can be pulled in, but there are many nuances in some points and therefore most likely you cannot do without improvements. Overall, the approximate estimate is about 8 hours.

Thank you for suggesting the new ticket system mechanism. I will use it in the future. I created a request.
The preliminary assessment is suitable, we are ready to pay for the revision if it assesses all the points of the technical specifications.
05.03.2025, 12:38
Original comment available on version: ua

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