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Help me understand how this parser works.

In this action there is a field: "Column number in file", it contains a footnote with information on filling this field:

"You must specify the column ordinal number in the file starting from 0"

In the file (payment register) I need to select the required column, starting from "A" - this is 0, "B", "C" "D". Column D will be number 3, is that correct?

Next, the action will check the specified column for the filled fields of the file and write to the selected additional field or will search for a process with this field if the checkbox "Search for a process by the specified field instead of writing the value" is checked

Do I understand correctly how this action works?
Original question is available on version: ru


Action "Parser of payment register in process fields from letters from Rozetka"
25.09.2024, среда, 13:27
Original comment available on version: ru

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