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The minute crown stopped working

No changes were made, nothing new was added. What could be the problem? All other crowns are working.
Original question is available on version: ua


UPD: it turns out that the action "Stop execution of the following actions when the conditions are met" was set to automatically create TTN, after its activation, the minute crown died. 07.03 15:36
07.03.2023, 17:53
Original comment available on version: ua

Also relevant: why because of this action "Stop the execution of the following actions when the conditions are met" (on the recommendation of this topic: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-delivery-services/16305-doopratsyuvann... -stvoriti-ttn/) crown falls and how to fix it?
07.03.2023, 22:03
Original comment available on version: ua

Сусяк Ігор
I suppose
that you have incorrectly configured the Stop action..
can you screenshot the action?
08.03.2023, 14:09
Original comment available on version: ua

Yes of course. I attach all the actions of the stage, separately the action "stop action..." and "automatically create ttn".

There are also logs of fatal 08.03:

[2023-03-08 03:03:04]

point: /var/www/mobiprintonebox/web1/web/cron/cron-minute.php

engine_sessionid: 1678237384_4473

data: Array


[type] => 1

[message] => Uncaught Error: Class 'XSearchQue' not found in /var/www/mobiprintonebox/web1/web/modules/search-fulltext/api/SearchFulltext_Processo...

Stack trace:

#0 /var/www/mobiprintonebox/web1/web/api/services/ProcessorQueService.class.php(240): SearchFulltext_Processor->process()

#1 /var/www/mobiprintonebox/web1/web/api/system/Shop_CronMinuteDefault.class.php(20): ProcessorQueService->processQue(2)

#2 /var/www/mobiprintonebox/web1/web/packages/Events/Events_Event.class.php(92): Shop_CronMinuteDefault->notify(Object(Events_Event))

#3 /var/www/mobiprintonebox/web1/web/cron/cron-minute.php(82): Events_Event->notify(true, true, Array)

#4 {main}


[file] => /var/www/mobiprintonebox/web1/web/modules/search-fulltext/api/SearchFulltext_Processo...

[line] => 13

08.03.2023, 15:31
Original comment available on version: ua

Good day.
Kron works according to the schedule.
Detailed information about krone here /app/system-statistic/
"Details" link
It can be seen that action 405.8609 with box-auto-action-export-order-to-google-spreadsheet is valid for a long time
08.03.2023, 15:41
Original comment available on version: ua

Tasun Sergey Vladimirovich
OneBox production wrote:
Good day.
Kron works according to the schedule.
Detailed information about krone here /app/system-statistic/
"Details" link
It can be seen that action 405.8609 with box-auto-action-export-order-to-google-spreadsheet is valid for a long time

It is clear, the topic is yesterday. According to the admin/logs/showall/ajax/?file=stop-cron-2023-03-07.log at 20:31, it can be seen that it restarted after 5 hours (although I am not sure if I understand this log correctly). Unfortunately, I just didn't make a screenshot where Date last finish 07.03 15:36 and it remained like that during the day for a minute crown.
08.03.2023, 15:47
Original comment available on version: ua

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