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Block Product Search

In the BP interface, the Product search block does not search for products when choosing which warehouse to display product search and category settings from.
Tell me what could be the problem?
Process https://ptichkinsad.1b.app/516/
Original question is available on version: ru Інтегратор CRM+ERP. Компания Olmonic


You may need to check the /app/settings/workflow/ "Search products with zero price" checkbox, probably the products you want to find have a zero price
26.10.2022, 17:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Olmonic Olmonic
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license

OneBox production wrote:
You may need to check the /app/settings/workflow/ "Search products with zero price" checkbox, probably the products you want to find have a zero price

Yes, indeed zero sale price in goods
I checked the box - everything is looking for!
Thank you!
26.10.2022, 18:11
Інтегратор CRM+ERP. Компания Olmonic Original comment available on version: ru

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