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Search results for query #wordpress

1 answer
22.03.2024, 17:46
Saving applications pending product availability
Good day. I would like to add that data from the "report availability" form on the website should be sent to the SRM. However, I still do not under...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
05.09.2023, 10:19
Exporting products in WP error "Probatch, you can't overspend resources."
Good afternoon When exporting products in WP, the error is "Probatch, you can't recycle resources." https://favorov.1b.app/app/wordpress-1/ Tell me...
1 answer
08.08.2023, 16:50
There is no export of products from Onebox to Wordpress
Good day! Exporting products from Onebox to Wordpress using the automatic action "WordPress / Export products" does not work. 1. How to und...
Boxing doesn't work. Orders with Prom, Wordpress do not come in
Boxing doesn't work. Orders with Prom, Wordpress do not come in https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ Please sort it out
Wordpress coupon discount
Good day! Generated a discount coupon in Wordpress. How to transfer a customer's order with a discount to OneBox? Thank you!
2 answer
Export Wordpress products
There is an hourly automation of the export of goods, the export of goods was successful on the whole, there are a few "buts": 1. During the expo...
1 answer
Crowns have stopped!!! No orders come in, no automation.
Good day, please tell me: I started the import on WordPress and after 5 minutes the automation stopped working. I see on the crowns that the last a...
2 answer
27.12.2022, 02:48
Wordpress order status not changed
Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/637920/ There should have been a status between 14 and 16 "on hold" https://take.ms/gvs7Y Based on this actio...
1 answer
19.12.2022, 11:32
Bug. Falling empty orders
Here https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/minute/edit/ action "WordPress / Import orders" (1). Empty orders are falling https://gadg...
Not receiving orders from WordPress
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ - Wordpress orders are not coming. Can you tell me what's up with the crown? What is the problem and what needs t...

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