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Search results for query #utm

Transfer of utm tags with prom_rework
Good afternoon There are orders that come from the prom Is it possible to add utm tags to the integration? TP Prom replied that they have such an o...
3 answer
19.07.2022, 11:36
Pulling information about an advertising campaign
You need to somehow pull out information about the advertising campaign via SMS from the client and write it down in the box. According to the idea...
3 answer
Papidu Digital Agency
17.07.2022, 18:29
Form on site
Hello! Please tell me how to resolve the issue. On the job search site, next to each vacancy, there is a button to leave an application, after whic...
2 answer
31.03.2022, 01:17
UTM tags are not sent to the box
What can I be doing wrong? Made the action "Automatically detect task source based on utm" in the BP step https://newtrend.team/admin/sho...
5 replies
13.10.2021, 16:05
The utm-referrer field and its limitations
This field accepts 256 characters. I'm from this link, I get utm-values by parameters with a regular regular. (usually utm-source at the very ...
12 replies
21.09.2021, 12:15
I am not getting utm tags in the process using the Add UTM tags action based on an incoming process client call
Good afternoon. Process https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/1901915/edit/, when clicking on the procedure https://crm.ohrana.ua/a...
1 answer
23.07.2021, 14:32
Opencart integration. UTM tags not coming
Good afternoon. Integration with Opencart is configured https://supero.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-1/control/ Orders come norma...
transmission of UTM tags
The site is made on the Horoshop platform. How to pass utm to processes on onebox? Thanks
20 replies
10.03.2021, 15:19
The source is not filled in by UTM tags
Good afternoon. The process for the example https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/373190/edit/, when you switch to In work, the act...
7 replies
10.03.2021, 12:09
Client origins are automatically pulled to the process origin
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to somehow remove the automatic assignment of the source of the process to the source of the client? At the...

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