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Search results for query #robots.txt

7 replies
24.05.2023, 23:01
Give access to robots.txt Googlebot-image
You need to change the robots.txt file. I have the same problem as this one https://1b.app/ua/forum/integration-with-onebox/16205-dati-dostup-do-r...
5 replies
05.01.2023, 21:08
Give Googlebot access to robots.txt
You need to change the robots.txt file to fix the problem! Update your robots.txt file to allow Googlebot and Googlebot-Image user agents to crawl ...
5 replies
20.07.2022, 10:36
Make changes to the robots.txt file
Good afternoon. We made changes to the robots.txt file for indexing on Google Instead of Disallow: /media/ Inserted: Allow: /media/shop/ Disallow: ...
8 replies
15.06.2021, 12:34
Close the CRM system from indexing, but leave the online store for indexing
Good afternoon! The online store was transferred to the main domain trudovik.com.ua and opened for indexing https://trudovik.com.ua/robots.txt But...

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