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Search results for query #ringostat

3 answer
27.12.2022, 14:44
Integration logic with Ringostat telephony
Ringostat telephony was connected. An employee of Ringostat claims that the integration logic was changed by one box some time ago, and it is not k...
7 replies
Personal license
28.09.2022, 14:51
How to direct incoming calls to the person in charge
Ringo claims that boxing does not give responsibility for the client, how to make it so that when the client calls, the call goes to his manager?
10 replies
Personal license
08.08.2022, 11:01
No calling manager in events
Good afternoon, We make calls to customers and the event does not record which manager called In the ringo magazine, the manager's login is in...
6 replies
17.05.2022, 19:25
Inaccuracies in robotic integration
Good day. Please give those. podtrimku at the next feed: 1. By lifting marks call 05/03/2022 11:59:39 PM http://img.ringostat.com/ruda/WB3L30.png C...
1 answer
31.03.2022, 21:22
Ringostat calls
Connected the integration https://gps-khm.1b.app/app/ringostat-new/settings/ Documentation for which I configured https://help.ringostat.com/knowle...
2 answer
14.12.2021, 14:52
Problem connecting Box Ringostat integration due to custom url crm
There was a problem connecting the integration due to the custom url of our crm profile. According to the standard, the url should look like http...
2 answer
08.11.2021, 18:14
Doesn't detect call source from Ringostat
Greetings! We have Ringostat telephony installed, and when calling the event source, the field that was transmitted by Ringostat utm_source is reco...
1 answer
06.09.2021, 11:57
OneBoxOS. The process from the pop-up window is not created.
In the settings of the pop-up window there is such a block (Fig. 1) The process from the pop-up window is not created, but jumps to the preliminar...
2 answer
06.09.2021, 11:52
OneBoxOS. The save button is selected sometimes as a string
In the ringostat, when trying to make a call, the "make a call" button is sometimes not pressed, but falls through and becomes like a str...
3 answer
26.08.2021, 14:57
OS. No popup on calls
Here is the manager http://crm.osd.ua/app/contact/4306/ the ringostat login baldinelliua_151 is tied to it In the previous version, the pop-up wind...

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