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Search results for query #o.lysenko@constantagro.com.ua

2 answer
Viewing/editing contacts by employee by region
Good afternoon! I need to restrict viewing/editing of contacts depending on the area of their placement. However, I do not need to assign a specifi...
4 answer
Inconvenient field sizes in interface settings
Please return the size of the fields (see screenshot) as it was before. For now it is not convenient to use this functionality, to put it mildly. h...
3 answer
The action "Jump stage after X transitions to the flow stage" does not work
Good afternoon! https://onebox.constantagro.com.ua:44553/admin/shop/workflowstatus/144/action/ne... After the specified number of transitions, the a...
9 replies
Incoming price when adding filters is not recalculated in BP
Good afternoon! Filters have been added to the product. The sale price and the input price are registered. When adding a product to the BP with fil...
2 answer
Transition from child to parent BP and changing the stage in it
Good afternoon! I can't find the right action. The task is the following: When I go to the stage, I create a sub-process (control of receipt of...
3 answer
20.01.2021, 08:21
close button
When choosing a time/date, we suggest renaming the "close" button to the "OK" button. Because the name "close" itself...
2 answer
Incorrect product price in the BP tabular section
Good afternoon! https://onebox.constantagro.com.ua:44553/admin/customorder/order/893/edit/ The product itself has a price and several filters. http...
2 answer
Action not saved
Good afternoon! Added the action "Switch the stage after X transitions to the current stage" to the BP. But the settings data is not save...
6 replies
Can't get leads from Facebook
Good afternoon! I have been trying to set up this integration for a long time, but without success. I used this instruction as much as possible (it...
2 answer
Automatic creation of BP and appointment of a responsible person
Good afternoon! The employee performs the task according to his BP and closes it. After closing the BP, a subprocess automatically opens. How can a...

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