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Incorrect product price in the BP tabular section

Good afternoon!
The product itself has a price and several filters. https://prnt.sc/x764gw
In the list of products, the price is displayed correctly. https://prnt.sc/x7aklj
When added to the BP, the price in the search block is also correct. https://prnt.sc/x7atdd
But when adding in the tabular part, the price is higher. https://prnt.sc/x7azb2
As it turned out, the price of all filters is summed up, although when adding a product to the BP, the filter was not added.
Previously, such troubles were not noticed
What could be the reason? How to fix?
Original question is available on version: ru


Lysenko Alexander wrote:
What could be the reason? How to fix?

Probably you have additional fields associated with filters and it is indicated in it to automatically fill in from the filter?
In this case, the values of the associated filters are entered in additional fields and an extra charge is made.
If not needed, uncheck "Automatically fill from product filter"
20.01.2021, 16:33
Original comment available on version: ru

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