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Search results for query #mysql

3 answer
non-standard port for mysql connection
Good time of the day. We have a non-standard port on the server to connect to the mysql server. Namely port=3311. How can I configure the connectio...
15 replies
03.04.2022, 12:55
Can't import slogan from Opencart
At the same time, the importation stopped, and from the coristuvach it is duplicated gradually, it was possible to turn on the automation for impor...
2 answer
26.11.2021, 16:18
OneBox Shop is unavailable (out of disk space)
Good day. Today when trying to enter CRM https://gorgany.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ gives an error about the location. We cannot clean the disk, bec...
1 answer
22.11.2021, 14:54
The cloud version is not available ("probably out of disk space)
Good day. Today when trying to enter CRM https://gorgany.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ gives an error about the place. We cannot clean the disk, becaus...
6 replies
URGENTLY! Box not working, MySQL load error
Good afternoon, an error occurred when entering the site, hosting technical support says that the problem is from onebox. Error text: "Uncaugh...
6 replies
09.06.2021, 15:04
5 questions about OneBox OS
Hello! Watched the video and read the forum. I would like to receive up-to-date information on a number of issues, since quite a lot of time has pa...

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