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Search results for query #facebook messenger

1 answer
Personal license
14.09.2022, 13:17
Images not coming from facebook messenger
Here https://hellom.1b.app/4659/ Client sent images but they didn't arrive https://take.ms/GDFw1 Please see what is wrong.
5 replies
Personal license
03.09.2022, 16:46
Only show bell notifications from a new client message
Here https://hellom.1b.app/ For example in order https://hellom.1b.app/3342/ is it possible to make notifications to the bell only when the client ...
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
19.07.2022, 11:36
Pulling information about an advertising campaign
You need to somehow pull out information about the advertising campaign via SMS from the client and write it down in the box. According to the idea...
0 replies
Personal license
26.01.2022, 15:36
Not sending messages from 1 Box to Facebook Messenger
The box receives messages from facebook messenger: https://brewelit.1b.app/app/facebook-messenger/ But it is not possible to write to them m, the m...
3 answer
Personal license
02.12.2021, 13:43
OS facebook messenger does not accept or send files
integration with Facebook messenger works, logs are https://integrator.crm-onebox.com/app/facebook-messenger/ testing on this process https://integ...
3 answer
17.09.2021, 11:07
Bug with sending messages to Facebook
From the task https://ukrpromspec.com.ua/admin/customorder/bistrie-prodazhi/188336/edit/ a message is not sent to the contact in the FB messenger. ...
application integration
good afternoon. unable to set up integration with facebook messenger, gives an error when setting up webhooks
One message received in Messenger is sent to OneBOX multiple times
Good afternoon. I observe the following picture: I sent one test message via Facebook Messenger. Based on it, a business process was successfully c...
Stopped receiving messages from fb messenger
Messages from the FB messenger stopped coming to the "Single Chat" of the vanbox. https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/messenger-cha...
3 answer
18.02.2021, 13:01
facebook messenger
Good day. How can I enable integration from 2 facebook messenger? How to remove notifications from the company's account?

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