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Search results for query #andrii

6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.11.2020, 17:55
Missing the ability to upload images from the product card
Good afternoon, the ability to upload the main and additional images through the product card interface has disappeared. Product: https://owwa.crm-...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
04.11.2020, 15:46
Fill in default cells for all products
Good afternoon, there is a need for, when ordering a supplier, the cells for the warehouse are automatically affixed for the goods - those in which...
3 answer
Bug in sum calculation
It does not correctly calculate the amount for the selected period. 1. Select a date range 2. Choose a Category 3. I filter .... The result does no...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.10.2020, 13:50
Bulk Change Product Categories
There is such a thing. When the categories were created, they did not mark them to be displayed in the personal account. http://crm.powerplay.com.u...
68 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.10.2020, 16:04
Special prices for the client, taking into account the category and brand
Good afternoon, now in the functionality there is an opportunity for each client to make special prices: 1. prices for individual goods, indicating...
20 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
07.10.2020, 22:28
LiqPay two-stage payment / Change funds blocking status
There is a site with a working LiqPay module (on the Cs-Cart engine), after payment, the money goes into the hold status. With the help of integrat...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
01.10.2020, 22:16
Separate a numeric value from a string
Tell me, there is a field with the value "CsCart#1071" how can I leave only the number "1071" in this field or write it in anot...
14 replies
30.09.2020, 08:44
Business process interface
It would be logical to add a button that will speed up the work with the PSU settings. https://prnt.sc/uqcbbz Is it possible?
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
10.09.2020, 19:13
Pulling a discount on a product from a customer's last order
Good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to pull up a discount on a product from the last sales order from this client? If not, how much would it co...

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