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Search results for query #работа кронов

0 replies
01.11.2023, 13:07
crowns fell after an error connecting to the database
It started giving an error - the system cannot connect to the database. After rebooting the server, the minute cron started once and the hourly clo...
3 answer
22.08.2022, 16:29
Crowns from the future
Good afternoon, the clock in Krona started to display incorrectly
1 answer
02.08.2022, 21:40
Don't prune crowns
http://hi-art.com.ua/check/ Do not process cron Prohannya encourage the robot
2 answer
Good afternoon, it seems that cron has died, nothing works export / import, goods / orders, how can I fix this?
8 replies
21.06.2022, 18:00
clock does not work
Clockwork not working crm.sportmarket.ua
4 answer
Crons hung after trying to clear data and reboot
Good day everyone, There was a problem - after trying to delete old data using the "Data Cleanup" application, a number of problems occur...
1 answer
20.07.2021, 13:57
Crowns not working
https://zarulem.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ From 15.07 the minute, hour and day crowns stopped working. Please run.
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.03.2021, 12:49
Urgent, we can't work, a bug, they stopped working out automatic actions
The automatic action once a minute "Generate business processes for clients of a contact group" was configured to work correctly until 00...
8 replies
10.03.2021, 09:57
Minute cron stopped working
Minute cron stopped working Here is the time when he last worked Example: Urgent! Orders are not closed with waiting for payment! http://crm.adpar...
14 replies
23.02.2021, 18:40
Suggestions for optimizing cron work
I ran into a problem that after the launch of mass changes, the task fell into a minute cron and paralyzed the work for 2.5 hours. Sentence: 1. Act...

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