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Search results for query #процесс поставщику

10 replies
04.07.2023, 09:36
Vendor process not created
Since this morning no process is created for the supplier. This action stopped working at the process stage: Gives an error: Here is the BP: ht...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.06.2023, 12:01
Add settings to the "Create supplier process" action
Good day, Please update the action "Create supplier process", you need: 1. Add the ability to select Business process and status for creation 2. Se...
2 answer
16.02.2022, 17:00
The process does not work for the postal manager
There is no process for the post-employee for help "Create a process for the post-employee", as the business process is not indicated in ...
1 answer
25.11.2021, 16:12
Creation of processes on different vendors
There is a main process, it has 3 products From it, we create an order to the supplier, but we do not yet know which supplier, for this we specify ...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.10.2021, 09:10
OS - configuring the action Create Process to Vendor
There is a checkbox in the action settings: Create separate business processes for the supplier And when this checkbox is checked, a separate purch...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.10.2021, 15:17
OS - action Create process to supplier does not work
Here it is configured https://multiform.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/96/action/new/ here is the task from under which you need to start...
3 answer
27.05.2021, 16:50
Action consultation Create a process for a supplier
There is an action Create Process to Vendor You can add a setting that will check an additional field of the product of the process, in which the I...
2 answer
04.12.2020, 18:34
Automation "Create process for supplier" does not work
Automation "Create process for supplier" does not work For example, order https://onebox.leokor.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/44417/edit...

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