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Search results for query #яндекс

3 answer
25.01.2022, 10:57
Integration with Yandex Forms
Is there a ready-made integration with Yandex forms? it is necessary to receive data in the box about the user who filled out the Questionnaire in ...
In Yandex Metrics, there is a snare for integration with boxing
In Yandex Metrics, there is a snare for integration with boxing Silka bita https://1b.app/en/integration-with-yandex-metrika/ Here is a description...
2 answer
21.09.2021, 01:39
Yandex.disk verification confirmation
Hello. Tell me, installed Yandex.disk, received a token and password. The video shows (old version) that you need to follow the link to give permis...
5 replies
26.01.2021, 16:21
Yandex maps
Good afternoon, is there any integration with Yandex.Maps at the moment? If not, how many hours of revision will be needed? Need the following func...
in SRM є Yandex Speech Where do you use the text of knowledge?
In SRM є іntegratіya Yandex Speech Vіn rozpіnaє rozmov's phone number? Where do you put the text of knowledge? Yaka in SRM є vzaєmodiya z tsim ...
5 replies
23.12.2020, 11:52
Integration with Yandex.Metrica
Please tell me, does One Box have integration with Yandex.Metrica? If not, how much will it cost to upgrade the integration?
3 answer
Yandex Speech
Tell me, Yandex Speech (https://prnt.sc/urpz3o) how does the integration work and is it active now? Also is there any integration with Google Speac...
Integration with Yandex Money
Good afternoon. Please make integration with Yandex money. To be able to accept card payments https://tech.yandex.com/money/doc/dg/reference/proces...
2015147827 - Improvement of the action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”
For the action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”, the setting “Set "in stock" in the main product card, if at leas...
2015147823 - Improved action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”
For the action “Export products in YML format (Prom.ua, Yandex.Market)”, the setting “Instead of false, pass an empty value in the available field”...

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