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in SRM є Yandex Speech Where do you use the text of knowledge?

In SRM є іntegratіya Yandex Speech
Vіn rozpіnaє rozmov's phone number?
Where do you put the text of knowledge?
Yaka in SRM є vzaєmodiya z tsim text?
(1. Newly, tags are written to the client.
2, Є learning algorithm, which in the future can help managers to help the client (give hints)
3, what else is planned)
Original question is available on version: ru


If I understood you correctly, then you use the action Turn a call into a task. The text received after recognition will be added to the description of the process (there is information about this in the automatic action itself). This text is not used or saved anywhere else.
As far as I know, nothing about this is planned.
14.01.2021, 18:41
Original comment available on version: ru

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