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Search results for query #этап

8 replies
16.11.2023, 13:57
Search by actions at the stage does not work + layout has gone wrong
The search field was on the same line with the process step selection. The search does not work either when you type or when you click the Search...
1 answer
05.09.2022, 13:14
Prohibit the transition depending on the fields - the action did not quite work
1. Go to https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-order/?searchfulltext=3131585 2. Order status in the list - "Order in the Department" 3. W...
14 replies
12.08.2021, 16:24
The stage of the process does not change when the mail status changes
Closed https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/logistics-and-delivery-services/10091-ne-menya... by mistake In...
6 replies
12.08.2021, 15:57
The stage of the process does not change when the mail status changes
In the application, the new mail, the status of the current and the status in progress are different, so, most likely, the stage does not switch to...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 17:20
Change a process step at a specific time
Good afternoon! Every business day (Monday-Friday) at 11:00 am, you need to change all processes that are in status A of the "Customer Order&q...
1 answer
OS - correct the list of stages from which you want to copy the action
There is a small problem with the list where you select the stage from which to copy the action: - There is a BP which has a decent list of stages ...
1 answer
07.07.2021, 16:50
OS - Remove stage button disappeared?
Not working
This action does not jump to the desired stage. Here is the link to order https://feshemebel.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/zamovlennya-postachal...
1 answer
11.03.2021, 14:47
How to switch the stage of a business process after N time, but taking into account the work schedule
There is an action "Switch stage after N time". You can even do two: set the stage time + jump after the stage time. But how can the syst...
1 answer
errors in processing the stages of the business process.
- action Switch stage on stage expiration did not work. - skipped status of sending new mail specified in the Business process step "Expect o...

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