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Search results for query #экспортировать продукты в формате yml

2 answer
01.11.2022, 16:49
YML feeds NOT updated for more than a week
Please help! Feeds stopped updating. Last updated according to action "Export products in YML format"
2 answer
BAAs Dev.
27.10.2022, 22:06
DOES NOT WORK Export products in YML format
Good day ! Help me sort out the problem with the action, today at 12:06 the last time I worked cron and everything after that does not work every h...
3 answer
19.10.2022, 18:30
Feeds not updating - Export products in YML format
Good afternoon! For some reason, the feeds (Export products in YML format) stopped updating on the clock handler. The last update was yesterday (10...
0 replies
Personal license
04.10.2022, 18:18
Diia "Export products in YML format" does not load the current fields and change the filters to the specified mov
Good day. Implemented "Export products in YML format" for Prom. In the "Language in which to upload products" field, the mov ua...
5 replies
13.07.2022, 12:12
Improvement of the action "Export products in YML format"
There is an action on the watch crown "Export products in YML format". But if we give away a product that has several identical character...
2 answer
20.02.2022, 10:56
Watermark issue in action Export products in YML format
Good afternoon. Added a watermark in the "Export products in YML format" action. But there is no way to change its size. I change these 2...
57 replies
BAAs Dev.
18.01.2022, 12:30
Improve functionality: Export products in YML format
It is necessary to improve the functionality for unloading goods via XML with a definition of how the goods are sold * Retail * Wholesale only * Wh...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
21.09.2021, 12:43
The "Export products in YML format" action unloads 2 identical "vendor" tags for some products that have the "Model" field specified
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ Import settings Code box_auto_action_price_places_yml Here is the link https://baza.cn.ua/admi...
6 replies
30.08.2021, 17:38
Question about a paid task
Good afternoon! Please provide an answer for this issue. It just weighs a very long time, and the revision is very necessary https://crm-onebox.com...
2015831070 - Improved the ability to export data with the field type "Text (html)"
1. In the action "Export products in YML format" in the selector "Take description from the additional field of the product" ad...

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