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Search results for query #цена товара

2 answer
23.12.2022, 16:22
SOS! The price of the product has not been recalculated since December 6
https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/product/10224/edit/ what is the reason? Automation has been set up for several years, everything has alw...
1 answer
05.07.2022, 07:56
The price of the goods flies
Have a product https://sara.1box.link/app/product/12908/edit/ Here is the product log https://sara.1box.link/app/history/products/12908/?systemchan...
12 replies
15.11.2021, 14:32
Zero price for products
Good afternoon. There are goods with a price equal to 0, they are in stock and the price changes according to history An example of the first prod...
13 replies
12.11.2021, 15:59
Incorrect price display
Prices duplicated
5 replies
21.10.2021, 14:00
The price of OS goods flies
After switching to OS, the price (00.00) flies on one product, all other prices remain, when the price changes, it remains for 10-15 minutes, then ...
it is not possible to change the purchase price of the goods
tried to change the "incoming price" field manually, then by copying at the stage, then by using the procedure on click as a result, it w...
1 answer
22.04.2021, 15:25
calculation of the price from additional fields and displaying the average price for goods
For example: there is a supplier. We received a batch of goods from him at one market price for a warehouse, after a while we received a batch of t...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.04.2021, 22:11
Product price for the client via API
Good afternoon, tell me, how long will it take to refine the API to get the price of a product by id for a specific client, taking into account spe...
11 replies
06.04.2021, 13:15
Evaluation needed: Do not fill in the field Crossed out price of the product card
Good afternoon! I created a topic https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/orders/7713-zacherknutaya-tsena-kartochki-tova... , comments are already closed...
5 replies
16.03.2021, 15:24
Crossed-out product card price
Good afternoon! Please tell me how the crossed out price is formed Some products have value, others don't. Thanks

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