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Search results for query #цена продажи

Supplier order
I have a question, I want to place an order with FOP PUPKIN for the product "Test Product Gloves" I create an ORDER process from a suppli...
4 answer
Personal license
01.08.2022, 11:36
the sale price is not recalculated
Hello! the selling price has stopped being recalculated - it does not change either with manual or automatic startup. here is an example of a produ...
1 answer
02.05.2022, 16:16
Sale price not copied
Process https://crm.dobavki.ua/512761/ On the example of the product https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/product/15589/edit/ The entry price column says 234...
2 answer
Formation of the selling price of the product, taking the largest ppm from one of the suppliers
Good afternoon. Tell me, is there any functionality in OneBox where you can set up the logic for transferring the sale price of a product, taking o...
16 replies
When receiving an order from Prom, an incorrect sales price is generated.
It started a couple of hours ago. An order arrives from Prom, where the sale price is indicated multiplied by the dollar rate. On Prom, the price i...
In access rights, the sale price cannot be prohibited
Tell me, on the old version it was possible to prohibit changing the price in the product product card. In OneBox OS, I can't prevent editing t...
2015852220 - Added product setting "Do not recalculate sales price after changing additional fields associated with order filter options".
In the product table block of the process interface, in the gear opposite the "Sales price" field, the setting "Do not recalculate t...
4 answer
03.09.2021, 12:22
Don't update sales price when changing in process product filters
In general, the situation is as follows. An order, for example https://monoshop.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/320133/edit/ , contains a pr...
1 answer
11.03.2021, 10:23
Selling price 0 after recalculation
Product https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/5595/edit/ Available in stock, the recalculation rule is specified, I am recalculating ...
3 answer
21.01.2021, 12:19
Purchase price and margin question
There is a cup in stock - 5 pcs. the purchase price of which is 30 UAH, 20 exactly the same cups have arrived at a cost of 15 UAH, 25 cups are now ...

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