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Search results for query #уровни цен

0 replies
Prices from quantity to price level
Hello. Products have 3 price levels (retail, wholesale and dealer). Circumstances so happened that some products had quantity settings added for wh...
1 answer
07.09.2022, 15:21
Price levels for goods in passports
Good afternoon. Enlighten someone, for goods with passports, how prices are formed according to price levels. There is a product with a passport ht...
1 answer
06.09.2022, 16:44
Special prices
A price level is registered for a client, the price for this level is indicated in the product card, and a special price is also indicated for this...
2 answer
17.06.2022, 13:08
Choosing a setting in automation for products (Evaluate refinement)
Here in action in automation there are such settings I need to set the quantity from I could specify from add. fields, since this is unique for ea...
3 answer
14.06.2022, 13:09
How to calculate product prices using a formula?
How can I set some formula? The fact. that our settings are tied to the rate and you need to make a discount on the quantity, but do it automatical...
1 answer
06.06.2022, 17:07
How to load "price settings" for a price level?
I have a price level and I need price settings for this level It can be configured like this How can I download these settings via excel? In the ...
6 replies
20.09.2021, 12:51
Customization in special prices
In Special prices in the product card there is a setting Special prices relative to the price level You can make a setting here to specify the prod...
1 answer
12.07.2021, 08:49
Price settings not working
Hello! 1) The price setting does not work in the product card. 2) The block "price levels" does not work. The card is added to the interf...
21 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
09.03.2021, 17:38
How to disable discount in personal account for price levels??
Price levels configured https://prnt.sc/10h88vd Product example https://onebox.ossaframes.com/admin/shop/products/18944/edit/ I log in under the cl...
2015747972 - Added setting for interface block "Price levels"
For the "Price levels" interface block, the "Number of empty lines for new prices" setting has been added, where you can set ho...

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